The Golddust Guide to Marketing Trends in 2023

As you plan your marketing strategy for the next twelve months, we thought it would be a golden opportunity to dip our toes into the unknown waters of 2023 to give you the heads-up of what’s going to be hot in the world of marketing next year.

What are the Key Marketing Trends in 2023?

Marketing trends are shifting as the world becomes more digital. In a few years, we will see marketing trends that are influenced by the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

We have seen an increase in the use of AI in marketing, for example, Facebook uses AI to create targeted ads with the help of its algorithms. This is a trend that we will see more and more in the future.

Virtual Reality is also becoming popular among marketers who want to create interactive and immersive experiences for their customers.

Marketing has evolved from the traditional model of advertising to a more holistic approach. Marketers are now focusing on customer experience and engagement. They want to understand their target audience better and create a better experience for them.

In this age of digital marketing, marketers are faced with many challenges. They have to juggle with the following:

  • Keeping up with the ever-changing digital landscape
  • Creating insightful content that is engaging and shareable
  • Building brand awareness
  • Creating a community around their brand
  • Generating leads and conversions

Be Prepared


Prior to the pandemic, a pivot was something undertaken by a ballerina, but now it’s a commonplace occurrence in the business world. It’s always wise to expect the unexpected and be able to pivot your business in an instant, if circumstances dictate.

As part of your marketing plan, draw up a “what if” strategy. You never know what’s lurking round the corner.

A Data-Driven World


Data continues to be the golden goose for marketing. The more you know about your customers, their habits, their buying patterns, the more you’ll be able to target your marketing efforts to show a decent ROI.


Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from your customers by carrying out regular customer satisfaction surveys. And let them know that you’re listening to – and acting on – their feedback.

Social Care Marketing



Telehealth is a medical practice that uses telecommunications in order to provide health care to patients and has become a popular choice in a post-pandemic world.

It’s been widely accepted that telemedicine can help patients reduce their out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare, as well as helping those who live in rural areas or who are unable to get out of the house easily due to illness or disability.

Whether it’s a reminder SMS from the GP surgery, or an online consultation with a doctor, telehealth is only going to get bigger over time.

Your Website


Yes, your website is still one of the most important marketing tools you possess. When did your website last have a refresh? You should be updating it as trends come and go. Keep up with industry keywords and know what words your target audience use when they’re searching for the services you offer online.

Voice searches are also becoming more popular, so focus on those long-tail keywords to increase your searchability on the likes of Siri, Google Home, and Alexa.

Exhibitions & Trade Expos

When planned and executed correctly, a trade expo can give your business maximum visibility to an audience who want to engage in your area of expertise. Why else would they schlep to the NEC, ExCel, Olympia etc if they weren’t interested in the businesses in your sector?

Golddust Marketing had some outstanding results from trade shows in 2022, and we’ve already got our tickets booked for The Health Plus Care Show in April 2023… Keep your eyes peel for an exciting launch!

Don’t just turn up on the day, wandering aimlessly around the halls picking up freebies. Plan your visit. See who is exhibiting. Find out if any of your target audience or existing clients can fit in a 1:1 over a coffee whilst you’re there. Go to as many of the seminars and break-out sessions as you can. Make sure you’re armed with plenty of business cards and treat your visit as an extended networking event.

Help Is At Hand


Whatever sector you’re in, if you need a hand with your 2023 marketing strategy, Golddust Marketing is here to wave its magic wand and help you to create a plan that will make 2023 a great marketing year for your business.

Get in touch.

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